How can we design moments of collaboration in ways that share power and knowledge between disparate groups?

Looking back at the Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers project, or anything similar, any thoughts to share on what works well for people to collaborate – especially if they are new to each other? What needs to happen to make this a shared process where people felt equal? It would be great to hear what people think about collaborative magic.

Investment-ready definition and other

Really enjoyed reading the initiative description. One comment I have is around what is the definition of investment-ready and what you would consider a successful demonstrator. I wonder whether there could be a section breaking down what the supported initiatives would be looking to demonstrate? For example, are you interested in demonstrators showing not only the ability to finance through

Who can deliver Riverwoods projects?

Our initial thoughts: Private landowners, small to large estates Community groups (working with landowners, or community owned land) Charities and NGOs (who may own land or adjoining land) Government or large corporates (local authorities, Ministry of Defence, water companies)

How can communities help to find and select restoration projects?

Our ideas include: A participative and deliberative approach, where people connect with other people to discuss prospective Riverwoods projects Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion in any engagement activities Combining a targeted approach to specific communities in places where there is high potential for Riverwoods projects, with a broader digital approach to engage a broader public.

What would you find most engaging about Riverwoods?

Some of our ideas to make Riverwoods engaging include: Engaging imagery of riverbank woodlands Facts and figures relating to riparian zone species Information on physical and mental health benefits of riverbank woodlands Short video guides to riparian restoration initiatives

What kind of support do you need for your prospective river woodland restoration projects?

Our initial thoughts: Outreach and identify potential delivery partnerships by promoting the Riverwoods programme  A broader Riverwoods support package, co-designed with prospective projects, partners and community intermediaries  Investment readiness support to successful applicants to this support package Access to government policy support to address technical barriers or opportunities Access to a pot of significant development grant funding for a smaller

Citizen science contribution.

Citizen science appears to have much to offer in respect of surveys, monitoring and action on the ground. The Scottish Freshwater Group network may be able to help to promote and engage citizen science contributions to Riverwoods.

Fostering reforestation

Can there be a simple workshop to demonstrate the correct planting of trees with a focus on any challenges in the areas most needing help? Can we as citizens prepare small nurseries of saplings for such projects? Which species are most appropriate and necessary?
