Purpose and focus of the group

Bringing together organisations which are practically delivering river restoration projects, this group is a forum for sharing good practice and identifying barriers to delivery.


The Riverwoods Delivery Group is chaired by Luke Comins (Tweed Forum). A list of members will be added soon.

Want to contribute?

If you have questions, suggestions or comments about the work of the Riverwoods Delivery Group, please head over to our Ideas Wall where you can share your contribution and see the evolving conversation. You may wish to take a look at some of the questions that the Delivery Group are currently considering below.

Current questions

  • How do we build capacity and expertise to deliver action on the ground?
  • Can we help target and identify appropriate sites and schemes which would benefit?
  • What are the key metrics required for new or novel funders of riparian planting schemes and how do we ensure these are reliably and consistently measured?
  • How can we influence woodland/agri-environmental policy to better encourage targeted riparian planting?