Three years in the making, the feature-length Riverwoods film, produced by Riverwoods partner Scotland: The Big Picture and narrated by Peter Capaldi, shines a light on the perilous state of Scotland’s salmon, and tells the compelling story of a fish that once lived in the forest. And in the soil that feeds the forest. And in the predators, scavengers and even herbivores of the forest. Scotland’s Atlantic salmon – the King of Fish – is not only the ultimate angler’s prize, but a key building block in a complex forest ecosystem.
Access to the full Riverwoods film can be found on Channel5 using the link below.
Following an extensive screening tour, the Riverwoods film can now be licenced for both public and private screenings within the UK. Due to broadcast restrictions, Riverwoods is not currently available for public online viewing, but screenings for clubs and societies, learning institutions and cinemas and theatres, are available on request.