Presented here is a video recording and copy of the presentation delivered at the Finance Workshop for the Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers Support Package held on 18th August 2022.

This was an online Zoom Meeting/Webinar to discover more about Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers, led by the Scottish Wildlife Trust in partnership with Democratic Society and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, a stream of activity within the overall Riverwoods initiative, providing an opportunity for communities, landowners and other stakeholders to work together to identify Riverwoods projects that have the potential to be financed using new mechanisms beyond traditional grants.

The workshop was hosted by the Scottish Nature Finance Pioneers Network under the auspices of the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital.


 RIRP Finance Workshop Presentation Slides 180822 (FINAL)

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Riverwoods Investment Readiness Pioneers

An opportunity for communities, landowners and other stakeholders to work together to identify projects that have the potential to be financed using new mechanisms beyond traditional grants.